LP-Erasmus Programı Personel Hareketliliği kapsamında Polonya Nicolaus Copernicus Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Halk Sağlığı Anabilim Dalı öğretim üyesi Dr.(PhD) Blazej Lyszczarz "Sağlık ve Ekonomi" konusunda 3 saatlik bir sunum yapacaktır. Ç.Ü.Tıp Fakültesi Halk Sağlığı Anabilim Dalı ve Tıp Fakültesi Erasmus Koordinatörlüğü Health and economics – interdisciplinary visiting lecture Health care systems around the world face multiple challenges that rise concerns about their present and future stability. Population aging, medical arms race and growing patients’ expectations are factors that contribute to spectacular rise in health care expenditures in virtually every developed country. Nowadays, maybe more than ever, when the economic downturn severely affects societies and governments, health care systems are exposed to growing stability risk. So, the public interest in health economic issues is also rising rapidly. The questions that I will try to answer are:
why do economics is of crucial importance in health policy? The lecture is open to the public and everyone is invited. I would recommend the lecture to all curious people who are interested in health issues and also those who are engaged in business education. I will try to broaden your perspective. Pure economics and pure health sciences often do not consider each other to be interrelated. In fact they are! Let me convince you of it. Blazej Lyszczarz |